Opening Remarks
Tom Wright, Executive Director, Incisive Works
Incisive Works: Tech buying in the age of disruption
Tech buying in the age of disruption: how the pandemic elevated IT leaders, changed their behaviours and altered priorities
- 2021 – its been intense. How the pandemic elevated IT leaders
- The mass-acceleration of digital transformation
- Budget trends and decision making – what’s changed?
- Sustainability and the IT leader
- Content for IT leaders
Tom Wright, Executive Director, Incisive Works
ABM in the age of disruption: forget extensive data sets
- How the pandemic changed ABM focus
- The evolution in modern demand generation structures
- Data: quality not quantity
- Winning: common challenges and the way forward.
Izzie Rivers, Founder, Realm B2B
A practical guide to building an ABM programme
Gaining the attention of senior IT buyers and engaging them in a meaningful way has probably never been harder than it is currently. Ben will discuss the benefits of building a laser focused Enterprise ABM program and will break down the individual components of a successful ABM campaign for engaging with senior IT contacts.
During this presentation you will learn:
- The benefits of building a tailor made ABM program targeting Enterprises
- How to integrate the program with Sales
- A 6 step ABM process flow with examples of ABM in action
Ben Ross, Director, International Marketing, Delphix
Panel discussion: is the death of the cookie over-cooked? First party data and targeting in the age of disruption
- Providers like Apple and Google are ending tracking and support for third party cookies
- New solutions are coming into play. . . but treat consent as the “impossible alternative”
- Why B2B data is not Big Data & how data volume just that – noise that conceals true signals
- Effective targeting with consent. Its not rocket science and you can do it.
Closing Remarks