Agenda - Thriving Together; Building an inclusive workforce

Registration and breakfast
Welcome and Introduction
Panel Discussion: The Intersection of Mental Health and Diversity

Experts discuss how mental health challenges vary across different genders, ethnicities, class backgrounds, and neurodiverse individuals, and how to address these unique challenges within the workplace.

Trade Marketing Account Manager
Cognitive Behavourial Therapist
Inside Out Wellbeing
Fireside Chat: Personal Stories from the Tech Sector - Overcoming Mental Health Challenges

Share personal stories from tech professionals about their experiences with stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout, and discuss the support systems that helped them overcome these challenges.

Networking Break
Think Tank: Connections for a Supportive Workforce

A dedicated Think tank session aimed at fostering connections between attendees, encouraging the sharing of ideas, and building a supportive community focused on resilience and mental well-being.

Closing Keynote address: The Road Ahead - Building a Sustainable and Supportive Tech Workplace

Join us for the final keynote as we wrap up the day's insights and look towards the future. This session will summarize key takeaways from our discussions on mental health, diversity, and resilience. Learn actionable steps to create a sustainable and supportive tech workplace that prioritizes employee well-being and drives long-term success. Let's pave the way for a healthier, more inclusive industry together

Close of conference