The Cloud Excellence Awards are presented on the basis of performance and are judged by an independent jury.
It should be noted that all information provided by candidates remains strictly confidential. This includes figures, data, facts, customer quotes and other information submitted by companies. They are not passed on or published by the Computing editorial team. Only the judging panel has access to all information submitted.
Composition of the judging panel
An expert panel drawn from different areas of the tech industry represents the judging for the awards. These IT professionals have been in the tech industry for many years, and seek to bring their experience to Computing, and ensure that the applications, selected finalists and award winners meet our quality standards.
The members of the judging panel work within cybersecurity, project management, software management, product engineering, and more. We also have numerous CEOs, CIOs, CTOs and directors, in addition to Computing’s editorial team.
Reviewing the entries
After the application deadline, the Computing editorial team will conduct an initial review of all submitted entries. They review the criteria for the individual categories such as length of text contributions and video applications and ensure that they have been met. If only marketing copy, company profiles or other general representations without apparent reference to the awards were used, these candidates will be eliminated.
Announcement of the finalists
After the judging phase is complete, Computing determines the average score for each application for each category. If this is above a specified minimum level, the company in question qualifies as a finalist for the awards. All finalists will be announced by Computing and will be able to attend the live awards ceremony.
Evaluation by the judging panel
The judging panel will then make the evaluation. Each application can receive a maximum number of 10 points. The jury members are asked to briefly justify their vote for each application. The evaluation process takes place completely digitally, the panel members evaluate independently of each other. The judging panel is not allowed to evaluate entries from their own company.
Determining the winner
The winner will have achieved the highest point average in a category. Computing determines the results, and the winners are then confirmed by the judging panel. In the event of a tie, the judging panel will agree on a winner. The announcement of the award winners will take place in the presence of the judges, your peers, the Computing editorial team and Computing employees at the large-scale awards ceremony.
Why are our efforts so streamlined?
We believe that only the best and exemplary initiatives, projects, solutions or marketing or sales measures should be honoured with an award. An award from Computing recognises the outstanding performance of a company to which people have worked hard and contributed their creative and skilled know-how.
An award with Computing is highly regarded within the tech industry on a global scale. This is what the experts of the independent Computing judging panel stand for, as well as a transparent and fair process for every company that is willing to be challenged.