1. Decide which categories you are going to enter and read the criteria fully before starting your entries
This cannot be stressed enough. The judging criteria is deliberately brief and open in order to be less prescriptive. We want to encourage diverse entries, rather than funnel your submissions down a particular route. Nevertheless, please ensure that you address the core components of the category criteria.
2. Attachments - we encourage PDFs and videos, but not too many as our IT leaders are busy people!
You are free to include attachments in addition to the entry submission text. Please note that attachments are in addition to the 800 word limit. Please ensure that your attachments are informative and to the point. Supplying numerous attachments unnecessarily will irritate the judges.
Using graphics and visual imagery is recommended to help your entry stand out. Videos can be included, but the file sizes for attachments are restricted to 10MB, so it is best to include a URL that links to where your video is hosted.
3. Tailor your submissions and make them fun!
Judges will read hundreds of entries, so injecting your enthusiasm for your organisation and products will help you to stand out from the crowd. Make sure to tailor your entries to respond to the category criteria - please don't submit a generic entry.
4. If you are entering multiple award categories, don't just include the same entry
Again, tailor your entry to the category criteria. The judges will see through any duplication and this may cost you a place on the shortlist.
5. Include facts and figures
There's no better way to back up your claims than with supporting statistics. Anybody can claim that they are the best, but only a few can back it up!
6. Include customer testimonials
Positive feedback from customers will substantiate your claims. Try to include testimonials that are brief, interesting and saturated with marketing speak.